Birmingham Disruption Clinic....

Fresh off a 1st place at Campaign and at the CPPS round 4, Birmingham Disruption are looking to give back to their fans and those who help out when possible with an insight into what makes a winning formula.

On the 20th August we will be running a clinic at the NPC site, home of the CPPS, in Stafford. As part of the day we will be running through drills which Disruption use, techniques and pointers plus help on coaching. The focus will mostly be on drills and pointers, with a few games for those who fancy it towards the end of the day. The price is £50 per person which includes a box of training paint. We will hopefully have a few goodies to give out to those who show the most willing, the most improvement and show a great attitude towards learning. Places are limited so please book in as soon as possible.

There will be camping available on site on Saturday night and there is talk of a BBQ happening. We also encourage all attendees to stay over. Sunday is an Open practise day at CPPS and anyone who wants to play on the Sunday can do so at £15 per person. The Disruption players will be training on the Sunday as well as keeping an eye open for any fresh new talent and there will also be the chance to knock heads against Disruption with your fresh new skills, (Paint will be available to purchase on site if needed).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We look forward to seeing you all there and helping you wherever we can.

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