Pro-Tech-Tour Adventures

In the never ending quest to spread Eclipse knowledge around the World, Robert has just returned from our first ever dealer Tech Course in Lviv , Ukraine…. Now Lviv isn’t the easiest place to visit from the UK and needed 4 flights and some pretty tight connection times, and sods law says that a 20 minute delay here leads to missing a flight there and a nightmare. Luckily after an extra nights layover in Kiev, Robert finally managed to get to Lviv on the morning of the class… some would say perfect timing :-)

Victor from Triada had gathered dealers from all over the Ukraine to participate in this Pro-Tech-Tour class. The tech course was covering all the latest products from Planet Eclipse . Each participant had a chance to learn about the Geo2 , Ego11 and Etek3 markers, maintenance and troubleshooting was followed by a written test…

The next day was the 4th leg of the Ukrainian Paintball Championship organized by Triada Paintball in which 35 teams took part in three divisions. The first and third divisions were playing on Saturday followed by division 2 playing on the Sunday. Planet Eclipse provided full technical support on both days for the competing teams.

Planet Eclipse would like to say thank you to the organizers and the Ukrainian paintball community for the successful and well organized Eclipse tech course and tournament and for taking such good care of Robert while in Lviv.

Congratulations to the following People and Stores that completed the Dealer Tech Class:

Yaroslav Vershinin -Ganz Paintball
Oleg Kirichenko -
Sergei Buchko - Bomba
Egor Laplinov - Hulk Arena
Ivan Nechaev -Bastion
Serhiy Sayenko – Triada
Gennadiy Bondar - Ganz Paintball


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