Let It Burn !!!

Heart pumping, adrenaline going in full force, then you hear the shot that starts the game.  You run as fast as you can to the little cover between you and a thousand balls headed straight at you while trying to take as many of them out as possible.  Behind a hay bale we refill and check where we should go.  After what seems like a heartbeat, we begin to run again.  All that can be heard is my breathing, a rapid heartbeat, and the call to push.  Sometimes the drive pushes us too far and the enemy gets the small reprieve of one less head to defend against.  In my mind, this battle has been going on for hours - in reality, it has only been three minutes.  Three minutes and we break through their line and push to our base.  Looking to the left and right I see the black jerseys of my brothers and sisters - Black Karma.

MPP Games’ second installment of the Game of Thrones series puts the Greyjoy camp against the Dothraki.  New to the field this game are around forty huge new bunkers and three massive pyres ready to be lit when the darkness envelopes our paradise valley.  We also stand ready to lend out our new Black Karma Etha to anyone that wants to give it a test drive.  Not only do we have our normal paintball family, but also teams and individuals that travel hundreds of miles to share in the experience that we take for granted: Bearclaw Paintball.

One particularly difficult mission was a push to the doorstep of Greyjoy's base to find three props and to hold it for twenty minutes.  We found the props but had to wait for the mission card for an extra twenty minutes.  By that time the building that contained the props was the frontline of the battle.  After looking to another Black Karma brother and asking our familiar question "Do you want to do something stupid?," we readied another volunteer and the teams around us on our plan.  At the count of three we ran as fast as we could expecting to be shot at any moment.  After tucking into the building and getting checked by a referee, all three of us were amazed that we were all clean.  After tossing the props back to our team we ran again without getting shot out.  Another sacrifice must be made to the paintball gods.

As night casts its loving arms around us, we ready ourselves behind our bunkers preparing for the coming Greyjoy stampede.  As the pyres are lit, the blanket of night is pulled back and the orange glow blinds us.  After what seemed like an eternity of anticipation, the countdown starts.  As the report is sounded all hell breaks loose.  I shoot at all the ghostly figures I can while racing towards my line.  One after another, I pivot, shoot, reload, and continue my futile dance.  After seven minutes, my hope is let down: they break through my line.  Luckily we defend some of the positions so they do not take all of the points.  Afterwards I come back to the Black Karma Kompound for an awesome meal thanks to some teammates that stayed behind.   

On Sunday morning I wake to cooler temperatures and prepare myself for the coming day.  Today I put on my new custom Black Karma HDE jersey; this will help us blend into the lush vegetation even more than we already do with our HDE pants.  Although it has long sleeves, it breaths well, even for humid weather.  After preparations, again the gun goes off to start the game.  Running off the break we hope to cut off half of the field from the enemy by outflanking them.  After holding our position for thirty minutes, the drones start to close in.  After pushing too far into their lines, I have to make the long walk of shame and tag back into my base.  On the way back to the front line I notice the enemy has closed around my previous position.  Taking a group, we push back as quickly as possible, darting from bunker to bunker.

In the end, we are all winners as we share a wonderful weekend of paintball with friends (new, old, and ones that we will meet soon).  We were happy as a team to lend out our Black Karma Etha to two players for the weekend.  If you would like to try it out at our next game, let us know.  Greyjoy put up a wonderful fight, but in the end the Dothraki advanced for the Throne.  And to think, we helped advance a team that could very well play us, the Stark clan.        

Our next event will be at Bearclaw Paintball for the annual Toys for Tots game; Paint Trek: Battle for Charlie 3 on December 14th – 15th.  If you need help with anything paintball related, feel free to ask any one of us.  Stop by and try out our Black Karma Etha, or just ask to see any of our stable of markers (LV1’s, Egos, Geos, Eteks, or Ethas).  Look us up on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/blackkarmapaintball).  Also check our page for updates on upcoming games and new products from Planet Eclipse.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hate that I couldn't make it to Bear Claw this year. It's worth the 400+ mile drive for me. Great field! I plan to make at least one of Ben's games next year, for sure!


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