Very CSpecial Fades #01

Our production guys are always trying out new ways of making our markers look even prettier, which means we get to release some sweet looking markers into the wild that aren’t part of a larger run.

We have 7 one-of-a-kind CS1 fades which have been through a tweaked fade process, meaning the colours blend smoother to create some stunning colour ways.

The last time we did something similar we released all the colours to our email subscribers before they were available, but not this time. You’ll get a heads up here at our Blog and in this PBNation thread a day before the marker is released to buy.

These will only be available to buy from our US Store (sorry rest of the world).

So, I guess you wanna see the first one right?

Say hello to Aqua Toxic Splash Fade.

ONLY available to buy from our US Store from 09:00am EDT / 04-28-17

We’ll release one marker, per day, for the next 7 days (including today).

Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more!


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