MVPS Round #2

As I embark on my next trip on the list for the 2018 Pro Tech Tour of Events. I go over my checklist to make sure nothing stays behind. License, cash, debit card, Planet Eclipse tent, stakes for the tent, sides for the tent, table and table cloth. At the last moment realized I was leaving my tools, go figure. After a 3 1/2  hour drive up the Florida coast I arrived in City Island Park located in Daytona Beach.

Alongside the park runs the Halifax River. Famous for its bass fishing, links to wildlife preserves, water sports, beautiful beaches and oceanfront communities. But who can forget what Daytona Beach is known for ? Spring Break and the Daytona 500. Two Bucket list events every, never mind. We are here for event #2 Battle at the Beach. Hosted by Maximum Velocity Paintball Series (MVPS)  

Since its inception in 2014. Alex Zudell, staff and great refs have put this league at the top in the long history list of Florida Paintball Leagues. Nearly 70 teams in 5 divisions came  from Atlanta, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia and all across Florida . Podium finish and holding the trophy weighing heavily on their minds. XPX Jungle Clowns, LEGACY, PTW, Palm Beach Venom, TNB,DEVIOUS, TB NOTORIOUS, FL TROPIX,and DEAD RABBITZ were all back ready to stake their claim. Great to see the growth in the new teams playing events more consistently.

Blessed with clear skies with temps in the high 80's and light winds for the weekend. Teams geared up, lubed markers ,loaded paint and prepared for battle. Teams were loving the NXL Vegas layout. Aggressive breaks, running and gunning, communication and teamwork were key to play the fields and win.

Finals kicked in and teams did not disappoint. Games were exiting to watch with constant run thus, bunkerings and penalties galore.

As the sun sets, MVPS began the awards ceremony. In D3 Xball TAMPA BAY REVOLUTION took the crown and trophy. In 2nd place it was 
PALM BEACH VENOM edging out WESTON LEGACY in 3rd. In D4 Xball  it was RAMPAGE SILVER in 1st. BIRDS OF PREY in 2nd. 3rd place went to SHENANIGANS. In D4/D5(3man) division 1st place honors goes out to DEAD RABBITS. In 2nd place it was OVERBOARD SCALIWAGS and RAMPAGE PLATINUM in 3rd. Lastly in D6(3man) RAMPAGE SILVER in 1st. Following in 2nd was BIRDS OF PREY with SHENANIGANS rounding out 3rd.

With that I packed up my tent, table and table cloth into the car and prepared for a quiet drive home. Be sure to get ready for event #3 in Central Florida for the LAKELAND CLASSIC on May 18-20. Congratulations to all our teams and remember. 

Thank you MVPS and PLANET ECLIPSE on yet another great event. I am truly blessed. Till next time at an event near you. 

Whoops, I forgot my tools :-)



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