Emortal - Zombiegirl video.

Zombiegirl hasn't been playing Paintball for long (about a year) and she is certainly learning on the job. But Zombiegirl isn't scared to get in and mix it up with all the players shooting 'Speedball Markers' which we absolutely love...
Zombiegirl also got one of the first Quake Barrels to try. She is using round ball in this video but she likes the CQB (short) set-up. 

How many of you would go head to head against ramping electro markers using only a Magfed Marker? 

Follow Zombie Girl Here:


  1. We play magfed against speedballers all the time! Welcome to the family! #SASOregon

  2. Zombiegirl makes great videos as well. Responds to questions on her you tube page and is all in all a great contributor to the paintball community. Congrats on making EMortal Army.

    1. Thanks Mark!! I definitely try my hardest.


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