Lords of the O-Rings 🙄

Ok terrible pun, we couldn't resist, but in these crazy times many of you are dusting off the hex keys, actually opening the spares baggy and in some (rare) cases, reading the manuals we create. Unbelievable right?

Well, we've another tech support treat for you; we're currently developing our own Planet Eclipse O-Ring Finder App. It isn't finished yet but we've decided to release it to a limited number of 'first come, first served' Beta testers. Which can be any of you!

Getting the App isn't super-simple at the moment, due to its Beta Test status, but if you want to get involved while you have the time and inclination then follow the instructions below.

Please note: The O-Ring App is only available for Apple devices running iOS13 at the moment.

Getting Started:
1 - Make sure your device is running iOS13
2 - Install TestFlight (Beta Test app) from the App Store to allow you to Beta Test: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/testflight/id899247664
3 - Open this link on your device https://testflight.apple.com/join/3FzKlQde
4 - Tap 'View in TestFlight' or 'Start Testing'
5 - Tap 'Install'

Using the app:

(A) Select any of our current range of markers.

(B) Select any of the assemblies that make up that marker.

(C) Browse the o-rings linked to the assembly.

(D) The o-ring you select is displayed at actual size with a link to buy.

(E) All the links you need to place an order are displayed.

(F) Simply make your purchase from the selected Eclipse Spares Distributor.

We hope this benefits some of you and please submit any feedback through the TestFlight App.

We'll keep you updated on the App's progress and will follow-up when it is complete and ready to download as a standalone app.

Thanks again for your support and input.

Stay safe. Stay strong. PaintballStrong


  1. App works good. One thing i would suggest is adding older markers too, not just the current gen markers (that is if the specs and o ring placement is different in say the 160R and the 170R, or the Geo 3.5 and Geo 4....

  2. Is the app available to download on android?

  3. App is easy to use and informative. Suggestion: Like mentioned before Older PE markers, there are some seals not marked/listed/special/custom, and the only link working is "Find Service Centre" Other links for ordering parts Europe/USA/Germany are not working from an IPhone XR in USA, On listing the oring there is some repeated (A, D, etc) Why not list all the oring of the same size and grade with the same letter (A). I can not post the screenshot if you like clarity. Possibly next version have links to DIY videos and recommended tools.


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