by Jason “foolybear” Lineberger On Mothers’ Day weekend Paintball Central’s location in Greenville, South Carolina, opened their gates to welcome in a scenario crowd hungry for action on a brand new field. “Traditionally we’re known as a speedball/tournament facility,” said Ken Barrett, PBC’s regional manager. Ken went on to state that they’re pushing hard to expand to serve the scenario community. Just prior to “We Were Soldiers,” their inaugural two-day event, the staff at PBC constructed a bridge across their pond to open the back acreage, wooded hills bisected by a steep-banked creek. With the addition of some bunkers, a few trails cut through the brush, and a small village of buildings, Central’s already attractive set-up looked that much better to the scenario teams that made the trip. The promise of paintball action drew home squad O.M.E.N., Blue and Deuce from Blue’s Crew, Billy Smith and his group of scenario shooters from Low Country Paintball, members of Wulfenkow, and ...