ICON Pro School - August 27th & 28th 2011

On August 27th & 28th, TPC (Near Paris, France) will host Cyril JOB, Kévin COULM and Cédric CAROFF for the ICON Pro School!

During two days, one of the most famous French team will share their experiences with you.
Subscribe to the Pro School and improve your paintball skills with the Pro Team that took 2nd Place in the recent German Millennium series 2011.

Fees are 130€ for the weekend per person, included one box of paintballs. Accommodation is free but limited !... Be Quick.

Prizes will be offered by the team and their sponsors after a friendly 1 on 1 contest.

For any questions and registration, please write us on icon@paintball-tpc.com
The subscriptions will be validated and confirmed by email from July the 1st!

Places are limited !!!!!


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