Jason 'Foolybear' Lineberger - Call To Action !!

Eclipse's own scenario slayer, Jason "foolybear" Lineberger, has laid out a preliminary schedule of games for 2012. His path of destruction encompasses both 24 hour scenario events, single day big games, instructional clinics, and a possible return to tournament competition. This list will grow as promoters add events, so check back often for the latest updates!

As foolybear attends these events, you'll be able to read his game coverage right here.  Follow his paintball musings on Twitter (@foolybear) and see his latest paintball photographs on Instagram under the same name. If you spot foolybear at a game, be sure to say hello and invite him to run a mission with your team, and your squad might be featured here as well!

January 28 - Glorious Cause at Black River Paintball (http://www.brpaintball.com/)

February 25-26 Road to No Ends at Adventure Beach (http://www.adventurebeachscenariopaintball.com/)

March 3 - Black River vs. Xtreme Kombat (http://www.xtremekombat.com/recreational_paintball_scenario_games.asp)

March 17-18 Generation Kill at CDWC (http://www.cdpaintball.com/)

April - tentative return to woodsball competition.

May 5 - Trekkie vs Trekker at SOVA Swamp (http://www.swamppaintball.com/)

May 19-20 Shadow Wars at Command Decisions (http://www.cdpaintball.com/)

June 19-21 Summer Celebrity Paintball Camp  (http://www.lofpb.com/Htms/LOFSUMMERCAMP.htm)

June 30 Western Wars at EMR (http://www.emrpaintball.com/)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail at Line-of-Fire Paintball on September 8 (www.lofpb.com)

The Invasion of Japan at Adventure Beach Paintball on September 22 (http://www.adventurebeachscenariopaintball.com/)

October 6-7 A Game of Thrones at Bearclaw Paintball (http://www.bearclawpaintball.net/)

The Walking Dead at SplatBrothers Paintball Park on October 12-14 (http://splatbrothers.com/thewalkingdead2012.html)

November 9-11 Fulda Gap (http://www.cdpaintball.com/)

December Santa vs. the Grinch at LOF (www.lofpb.com)


  1. Thanks Foolybear for letting me use your ETHA this weekend. The gun shot great! Long-balling those fools in the woods, nothing better.

  2. Hit us up with your 2013 schedule! Can't wait to see it!!!


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