BUY IT NOW HERE: #RedSunday is the first film in Season 3 of Artifact, the acclaimed documentary series produced by Planet Eclipse, a worldwide leader in action sports equipment, and producers of the EGO,GEO,ETEK, and ETHA paintball markers. The film stars Omaha Vicious, one of the 12 professional paintball teams competing on Paintball Sports Promotions RaceTo 7 Pro Series. Vicious experienced a meteoric rise, dominating the Amateur ranks of the PSP circuit between 2005-2010 before turning pro. During their dominance, the tradition of donning special "Red Jerseys" for Championship Sunday emerged, as the team qualified for Sunday for almost 3 straight seasons. But their dreams of playing and succeeding at the highest level were violently awoke by the reality of the Race To 7 series. Planet Eclipse and our ETV camera crew first joining the team in June 2011, at the PSP Chicago Open, at the lowest poi...