Black Karma Pilgrimage

Our annual pilgrimage to our home field's premier event of the year had us all waiting as a child does for Christmas morning. Add to this anticipation of merriment and fellowship, a welcoming twinge of pride as one of our members brings in the newly christened Black Karma trebuche - of which excitement flew almost as high as a boot that was tossed from this ancient weapon replica. MPP Games in collaboration with Bearclaw Paintball pitted the Lannisters against the Batherons in the Game of Thrones Series. All "Houses" are involved in a multi-year tournament for rule of the land and this year Black Karma supported the house of Lannister. This year Planet Eclipse sent Kris Wilson, one of their Pro Techs, just in case anyone had issues with their kit. Not only was he an awesome tech, but also a wonderful friend.

One of the most extraordinary things about this field is that with each season, the playing strategies change. With the foliage just starting to turn, our HDE jerseys and pants had no trouble blending in to the deciduous patterns that are prevalent in the region. As game time approached, our team split up; half of us pre-positioned near our base, half of us preparing to storm the beach. As the opening gunshot went off, we all performed our various tasks. One of the hardest things for our team to do is to wait for battle; marker fire attracts us like moths to the flame. We broke through the beach defenses, and after a quick reset, we started running missions. The great thing about Ben Torricelli's demented genius mind is that he invariably has both teams vying to control the same objective.

The night beach landing, lit by three huge pyres, was impressive. The only thing that could have topped that feeling would be viewing Bearclaw's property when coming over the small ridge and arriving at the field. Afterward an intense night battle, everyone enjoyed rest, libations, and bowls of Pineapple Cobbler.

Our final day began in a foggy haze. The Howell Community Center's breakfast platter helped fuel our reserves for the coming day's battle. That day, our opposition had a stronger zeal as compared to the day previous. More missions came back busted, but we continued to push on towards our goals. Near the end of the game, we set our sights on our favorite spot on the field : the schoolhouse. Control over this objective was hard fought, but enjoyable. All of our Planet Eclipse gear rose to the occasion again (with 10 pods going through a new Geo 3.5 on a single fill).

At the end of the day, our team continuously strives for one thing: showing other players how much we love the game of paintball. If we can leave a game with new friends and a few funny stories, we feel as though we won, despite the final score. If you are at a game with us, feel free to test drive our team Etek or Etha. If you are having any issues with your equipment, just let us know. If we can't help you, we know a team of knowledgeable and friendly folks at Planet Eclipse who can.

As we approach the holiday season, be mindful of your many blessings. If there is a way you can help others in need, please do so.  You never know how much the smallest of help can give the greatest gift of all: HOPE. We hope to see you at Bearclaw's Annual Toys for Tots game on December 13-14th in Fayetteville, TN. If not, perhaps at UWL in various locations throughout the country. Follow us on Facebook to get up to date info on us and Planet Eclipse products.

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