Esta fecha contamos con 42 equipos en 3 divisiones, division 4 tuvimos 7 equipos, Division 3 tuvimos 20 equipos y division 2 contamos con 15 equipos. el torneo se realizo en la ciudad de valencia en las afueras de la capital (caracas), fue un evento como acostumbramos de 4 dias, que dimos inicio el dia jueves, en horas de la mañana. contamos con fuerte lluvia, los dos primeros dias. Contamos con 3 arbitros de estados unidos (Chris Wyatt, Matt Jones y Z) This time we have 42 teams in three divisions, division 4 had 7 teams, we had 20 teams Division 3 and Division 2 teams have 15. The tournament was held in the city of Valencia on the outskirts of the capital (Caracas), was an event as we usually 4 days, that we started on Thursday, in the morning. There was have heavy rain for the first two days but the event still went on. We also had 3 US Reffs come down to help out. Its great to have them attend as it gives players a fair chance when playing. (Chris Wyatt, Matt Jon...